Библиография/ Selected bibliography
Список научной литературы,
использованной в работе над сайтом
Специализация охвата – в основном, род Пеларгония (genus Pelargonium).
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Составленный список является авторским и не претендует на полный охват темы. Возможны изменения и дополнения.
Albers, F. 2002. Geraniaceae. In: Eggli, U. (ed.). Illustrated handbook of succulent plants: Dicotyledons. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: 241–272.
Albers, F.; Becker, M. 2010. Phylogeny and Speciation in Succulent Geraniaceae (Geraniales). Schumannia, 6: 59–67.
Albers, F., Gibby, M. & Austmann, M. 1992. A reappraisal of Pelargonium sect. Ligularia (Geraniaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 179: 257–276.
Albers, F. & Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1992. Karyological and chemotaxonomical studies of the hybrid Pelargonium incarnatum × P. patulum (Geraniaceae) and its parents. Plant Systematics and Evolution 183: 161–167.
Albers, F., Van der Walt, J.J.A., Gibby, M., Marschewski, D.E., Price, R.A. & Du Preez, G. 1995. A biosystematic study of Pelargonium section Ligularia: 2. Reappraisal of section Chorisma. South African Journal of Botany 61: 339–346.
Albers, F., Van der Walt, J.J.A., Marais, E.M., Gibby, M., Marschewski, D.E., Van der Merwe, A.M., Bakker, F.T. & Culham, A. 2000. A biosystematics study of Pelargonium section Ligularia: 4. The section Ligularia sensu stricto. South African Journal of Botany 66: 31–43.
Albers, F. & Van der Walt, J.J.A. 2007. Geraniaceae. In: Kubitzki, K. (ed.). The families and genera of vascular plants. IX Eudicots. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: 157–167.
Aldasoro, J.J., Navarro, C., Vargas, P., Sáez, L., Aedo, C. 2002. California, a new genus of Geraniaceae endemic to the southwest of North America. Anales de Jardin Botánico de Madrid 59: 209–216.
Bakker F. T., Culham A., Hettiarachi P., Touloumenidou T., Gibby M. 2004. Phylogeny of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) based on DNA sequences from three genomes. Taxon 53: 17–28.
Bakker, F.T., Culham, A., Daugherty, L.C. & Gibby, M. 1999(a). A trnL-F based phylogeny for species of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) with small chromosomes. Plant Systematics and Evolution 216: 309–324.
Becker M., Albers F. 2005 (a). Pelargonium adriaanii (Geraniaceae), a new species from the Northern Cape Province,South Africa. Bot. Jahrb. 126:153–161.
Becker, M., Albers, F. 2009. Taxonomy and phylogeny of two subgroups of Pelargonium section Otidia (Geraniaceae). 1. The Pelargonium carnosum complex. Bothalia 39, 1: 73–85.
Becker, M. & Albers, F. 2010. Pollinator shift and speciation in Pelargonium alternans (Geraniaceae). Schumannia, 6: 207–226.
Brown, N.E. 1909. Pelargonium brevipetalum, in Diagnoses Africanae XXVIII. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, 1–10: 184-188.
Carolin, R. C. 1961. The genus Pelargonium L'Hér. ex Ait. in Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 86: 280–294.
Coetzee, N., van der Walt, J.J.A. 1992. Three varieties of Pelargonium patulum (Geraniaceae). South African Journal of Botany 58(2): 77–82.
Coffin, J.L. & Harney, P.M. 1978. Intersubgeneric crosses within the genus Pelargonium. Euphytica, 27: 567–576.
Dreyer, L.L., Albers, F., Van der Walt, J.J.A., Marschewski, D.E. 1992 (a). Subdivision of Pelargonium sect. Cortusina (Geraniaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 183: 83–97.
Dreyer, L.L. & Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1990. A new species of Pelargonium from the eastern Transvaal. South African Journal of Botany 56: 65–67.
Dreyer, L.L., Vorster, P. & Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1992. Pelargonium caylae. The Flowering Plants of Africa 52: Pl. 2039.
Dreyer, L.L. & Marais, E.M. 2000. Section Reniformia, a new section in the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae).South African Journal of Botany 66: 44–51.
Friis, I., Gilbert, M.G. 1976. Pelargonium boranense. The Flowering Plants of Africa 43: Pl. 1705.
García-Aloy, S, Sanmartín, I., Kadereit. G., Vitales, D., Millanes AM, Roquet C, Vargas P, Alarcón M, Aldasoro JJ. 2017. Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia (
Geraniaceae): specialization in the African deserts and range expansions throughout eastern Africa. Scientific Reports 7: 9872. Doi:10.1038/s41598-017-09834-6. -
Gibby, M. 1989. Pelargonium ranunculophyllum (Geraniaceae) in southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany 55: 539–542.
Gibby, M. 1990. Cytological and morphological variation within Pelargonium alchemilloides s.l. (Geraniaceae). Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg 23b: 707–722.
Gibby, M., Albers, F. & Prinsloo, B. 1990. Karyological studies in Pelargonium sectt. Ciconium, Dibrachya and Jenkinsonia (Geraniaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 170: 151–159.
Gibby, M., Hinnah, S., Marais, E.M. & Albers, F. 1996. Cytological variation and evolution within Pelargonium section Hoarea (Geraniaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 203: 111–142.
Gibby, M. & Westfold, J. 1986. A cytological study of Pelargonium sect. Eumorpha (Geraniaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 153: 205–222.
Horn, W. 1994. Interspecific crossability and inheritance in Pelargonium. Plant Breeding 113: 3-17.
Hellbrugge D., Albers F., Vorster P. 1996, A new small-flowered pelargonium species (Geraniaceae) from the Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 62: 143-145.
Jeiter, J., Hilger, H. H., Smets, E. F., & Weigend, M. 2017. The relationship between nectaries and floral architecture: a case study in Geraniaceae and Hypseocharitaceae. Annals of Botany, 120(5), 791–803.
Johnson, M.A.T., Mathew, B. 1993. Two Pelargonium species from Turkey and northern Iraq. Curtis's Botanical Magazine 10: 124–131.
Jones C., Price R. 1995. Diversity and evolution of seedling Baupläne in Pelargonium (Geraniaceae). A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Vol. 14, Issue 4.
Jones, C.S., Bakker, F.T., Schlichting, C.D. , Nicotra, A.B. 2009. Leaf shape evolution in the South African genus Pelargonium L'Hér. (Geraniaceae). Evolution 63: 479–497.
Knuth, R. 1912. Geraniaceae. In: Engler, A. (eds.), Das Pflanzenreich IV.129. Engelmann, Leibzig: 640.
Lavranos, J.J. 1978. Pelargonium christophoranum. The Flowering Plants of Africa 178: Pl. 1772.
Le Roux, M.M. , Manning, J.C. 2014. A new long-tubed subspecies of Pelargonium dipetalum (section Hoarea) (Geraniaceae) from the Albertinia-Swellendam area in Western Cape Province, South Africa. Bothalia. 44 (1) : 1-8.
Maggs, G.L., Vorster, P., Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1995 (a). Taxonomy of the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae): the section Polyactium. 1. Circumscription and intrasectional classification. South African Journal of Botany 61: 53–59.
Maggs, G.L., Vorster, P., Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1995 (b). Taxonomy of the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae): the section Polyactium 2. The subsection Caulescentia. South African Journal of Botany 61: 173–179.
Maggs, G.L., Vorster, P., Van der Walt, J.J.A. & Gibby, M. 1999. Taxonomy of the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae): the section Polyactium 3. The subsection Polyactium.South African Journal of Botany 65: 115–143.
Manning, J.C. & Goldblatt, P. 2011. Pelargonium elandsmontanum (Geraniaceae: section Hoarea), a new species from the Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 77: 241–243.
Manning, J.C. & Goldblatt, P. 2012. Pelargonium saxatile (Geraniaceae: Section Hoarea), a new species from the southwestern Cape, South Africa, and a key to the species of the P. dipetalum group.South African Journal of Botany 78: 266–269.
Manning J. C., Euston-Brown D. I. W., Magee A. R. 2015. Pelargonium uliginosum (Geraniaceae: section Hoarea), a new species from Western Cape, South Africa, and an updated key to the species of the P. dipetalum group.South African Journal of Botany 97: 204-207.
Manning, J.C., Le Roux, A. 2016. Pelargonium conradiae (Geraniaceae), a new species in section Ligularia from Worcester, Western Cape, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany. Vol. 105, 313.
Marais, E.M. 1990. Pelargonium torulosum (Geraniaceae): A new species from the south-western Cape Province, southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany. 56 (5): 565-570.
Marais, E.M. 1992. Pelargonium nephrophyllum (Geraniaceae), a new species from the south-western Cape. South African Journal of Botany. 58(4): 220-223.
Marais, E.M. 1994. Taxonomic Studies in Pelargonium section Hoarea (Geraniaceae). Dissertation. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 297.
Marais, E.M. 1994. Two new species of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) from the Western Cape.South African Journal of Botany60 (6): 333–339.
Marais, E.M. 1996 (a). Pelargonium glabriphyllum (Geraniaceae), a new species from the Nieuwouldtville area.South African Journal of Botany 62: 228–230.
Marais, E.M. 1996 (b). Pelargonium tripalmatum (Geraniaceae), a new species from the Richtersveld. South African Journal of Botany 62: 225–227.
Marais, E.M. 1997. Three new species of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) from Namaqualand. South African Journal of Botany 63: 82–89.
Marais, E.M. 1998. Pelargonium githagineum (Geraniaceae), a new species from the Roggeveld plateau and Matjiesfontein area.South African Journal of Botany 64: 308–311.
Marais, E.M. 2014. One name change and three new species of Pelargonium, section Hoarea (Geraniaceae) from the Western Cape Province. South African Journal of Botany 90: 118–127.
Marais, E.M. 2017. Three new geophytic species of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) from the Western Cape Province, South Africa and their relationships within section Hoarea. South African Journal of Botany 113: 261–269.
McDonald, D.J. & Powrie, F.J. 1992. Pelargonium tricolor. Veld & Flora. Sept. Vol. 78 (3). Creda Press, Cape Town.
McDonald, D.J. & Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1992. Observations on the pollination of Pelargonium tricolor, section Campylia (Geraniaceae). South African Journal of Botany 58(5): 386–392.
Meve, U., Schmiedel, U. & Marais, E.M. 2000. Pelargonium quarciticola (Geraniaceae), a new species from the Knersvlakte. South African Journal of Botany 66: 96–98.
Miller, D. 1996. Pelargoniums: a Gardener's Guide to the Species and their Cultivars and Hybrids. B.T. Batsford, London.
Nordenstam, Bertil. 1987. Pelargonium caroli-henrici (Geraniaceae), a new species from the Western Cape Province. Plant Systematics and Evolution, vol. 155, issue 1-4, March: 333-337.
Olivier, M.C. & Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1984. The taxonomy of the Pelargonium peltatum (L.) L'Hérit. complex. Journal of South African Botany 50: 1–14.
Retief, E., Craib, C. & Condy, G. 2007 (a). Pelargonium luridum (Geraniaceae). The Flowering Plants of Africa 60: 78–83.
Retief, E., Craib, C. & Condy, G. 2007 (b). Pelargonium schlechteri (Geraniaceae). The Flowering Plants of Africa 60: 84–88.
Röschenbleck J., Albers F., Müller KF., Weinl S., Kudla J. 2014. Phylogenetics, character evolution and a subgeneric revision of the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae). Phytotaxa, 159: 31-76
Roux, J.P. 2013. Pelargonium pachypodium (Sect. Otidia), a new species from Northern Cape, South Africa.Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation, vol. 43, no. 2: 230-233.
Salter, T.M. 1938. Pelargonium pillansii. Journal of South African Botany 4: 120–120.
Salter, T.M. 1942. Pelargonium plurisectum. Journal of South African Botany 8: 279–279.
Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1977. Pelargoniums of Southern Africa. Vol. 1, Purnell, Cape Town, 51.
Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1985. A taxonomic revision of the type section of Pelargonium L'Hérit. (Geraniaceae). Bothalia 15: 345– 385.
Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1994. A new species of Pelargonium section Campylia (Geraniaceae). South African Journal of Botany 60 (3): 144–148.
Van der Walt, J.J.A., Boucher, D.A. 1986. A taxonomic revision of the section Myrrhidium of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) in Southern Africa. South African Journal of Botany 52: 438–462.
Van der Walt, J.J.A., Van Zyl, L. 1988. A taxonomic revision of Pelargonium section Campylia (Geraniaceae). South African Journal of Botany 54: 145–171.
Van der Walt, J. J. A., Vorster, P. J. 1981. Pelargoniums of Southern Africa. Vol. 2. Juta, Cape Town, 149 pp.
Van der Walt, J.J.A. & Vorster, P.J. 1983. Phytogeography of Pelargonium. Bothalia 14: 517–523.
Van der Walt J.J., 1984. A new species of Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) from the south-western Cape. South African Journal of Botany 3: 256-258.
Van der Walt J.J. A, 1985. A taxonomic revision of the type section of Pelargonium L’Hérit. (Geraniaceae). Bothalia 15(3-4): 345-385.
Van der Walt, J.J.A. & Vorster, P.J. 1988. Pelargoniums of Southern Africa, including some representative species from other parts of the world. Vol. 3. National Botanic Gardens Kirstenbosch, Kirstenbosch, 149 pp.
Van der Walt, J.J.A., McDonald, D.J. & Van Wyk, N. 1990. A new species of Pelargonium with notes on its ecology and pollination biology. South African Journal of Botany 56: 467–470.
Van der Walt, J.J.A., Venter, H.J.T., Verhoeven, R. & Dreyer, L.L. 1990 (c). The transfer of Erodium incarnatum to the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae). South African Journal of Botany 56: 560–564.
Van der Walt, J.J.A., Albers, F., Gibby, M., Marschewski, D.E. & Price, R.A. 1995. A biosystematic study of Pelargonium section Ligularia: 1. A new section Subsucculentia. South African Journal of Botany 61: 331–338.
Van Der Walt, J.J.A., Albers, F., Gibby, M., Marschewski, D.E., Hellbrügge, D., Price, R.A. & Van Der Merwe, A.M. 1997. A biosystematic study of Pelargonium section Ligularia: 3. Reappraisal of section Jenkinsonia. South African Journal of Botany 63: 4–21.
Van Jaarsveld, E.J., Van Wyk, A.E. 2006. Pelargonium vanderwaltii, a new cliff dwelling species from Otjihipa Mountains, northern Namibia. Aloe 2 & 3: 32–34.
Verdcourt, B. 1968. A New Pelargonium from the Somali Republic. Kew Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 3: 428.
Vlok, J. Schutte-Vlok, A.L. 2010. Plants of the Klein Karoo. Umdaus Press, Hatfield.
Vorster, P. 1986. Name changes: Pelargonium nanum (Geraniaceae) and its synonyms. South African Journal of Botany 52: 383-384.
Vorster, P. 1987. Name change: Pelargonium minimum (Geraniaceae), the correct name for P. fumaroides. South African Journal of Botany 53: 184–185.
- Voster, P. 1987. The identities of Pelargonium ramosissimum and P. tragacanthoides (Geraniaceae). S. Afr. J. Bot. 53: 65-70.
Vorster, P. 1992. Pelargonium mutans. The Flowering Plants of Africa 52: Pl. 2060.
Vorster, P. 2000. Geraniaceae. In: Goldblatt, P. & Manning, J.C. (eds.), Cape plants: a conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. National Botanical Institute of South Africa and Missouri Botanical Garden, Pretoria, pp. 516–528.
Vorster, P., Van der Walt, J.J.A. 1983. Two new species of Pelargonium L’Hérit. (Geraniaceae) from South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 2: 76–81.
Zietsman, P.C. 1993. Pollination in Pelargonium dolomiticum R. Knuth (Geraniaceae). South African Journal of Botany 59, 259–264.